Why Hire Us
We Have Extensive Experience
Dennis Strutz, President and Senior Environmental Specialist with Midwest Environics, Inc., has completed over 600 Phase 1 ESAs, more than any other person in Wisconsin. His extensive knowledge of Wisconsin and USEPA environmental regulations and experience with environmental liabilities that are common at properties far exceeds others in this field.
We Do Only Thorough, Honest and Objective Studies
If you are searching for a company to do a Phase 1 ESA, you should avoid those that employ two common tactics. The first common tactic is that a firm will quote a “lowball” price to “buy” a Phase 1 ESA study. They then do an incomplete study, and their report recommends additional research tasks (at additional cost to the client) that should have been done as part of the Phase 1 ESA. Another tactic that is sometimes used is that a company does a complete Phase 1 ESA, and then either exaggerates or minimizes the gravity of the potential environmental liabilities at a property, according to the interests of their client. By contrast, you can trust Midwest Environics, Inc. to do a thorough, honest and objective Phase 1 ESA study and to properly interpret the findings of the study.
We Do Not Do Phase 2 ESAs
Some firms do Phase 1 ESAs, Phase 2 ESAs and they clean up contaminated properties. If they are retained to do a Phase 1 ESA of a property, a financial incentive exists for these firms to conclude that Phase 2 investigative tasks are necessary at the property whether such tasks are really necessary or not. A recommendation for an unnecessary Phase 2 ESA can jeopardize the entire transaction because buyers typically pay for a Phase 1 ESA and sellers typically pay for any recommended Phase 2 ESA of their property. If a seller truly believes that the recommended Phase 2 ESA at his property is unreasonable, he may refuse to pay for the work. The buyer is then suspicious that the seller has something to hide, the lender cannot take the property as collateral for a loan and the deal falls apart.
We want your business because we are specialists in doing thorough, honest and objective Phase 1 ESAs. If our Phase 1 ESA determines there is a need for a Phase 2 ESA at a property, we will always recommend the Phase 2 investigative tasks. But if we recommend a Phase 2 ESA, you and the other parties involved in the transaction can be assured that Midwest Environics, Inc. will not profit from that recommendation.